CSCI 4511W Midterm: CS 4511 UMN Midterm 2key f08

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31 Jan 2019

Document Summary

Csci 5511 2nd midterm fall 2008 csci 5511 fall 2008 1. 75 minutes == 75 points: 15 points. Show the backed-up values for all the nodes in the following game tree and show the branches that are pruned by alpha-beta. For each branch pruned, explain brie y why alpha-beta prunes it. Follow the convention used in the textbook to examine the branches in the tree from left to right. Above shows the backed up values for each node that is examined. No value is shown for nodes that were pruned since we did not need to look at those nodes. Upward pointing nodes are the results of your actions where, presum- ably, you picked the best (highest valued) option available to you. Downward pointing nodes are the results of actions made by your op- ponent who, presumably, picked the option that was best for him (and, consequently, worst for you).