BIOL 208 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Dense Irregular Connective Tissue, Tunica Intima, Tunica Externa

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16 Sep 2016

Document Summary

Microcirculation : capillaries - where all exchange occurs, functional unit of circulatory system, venules > bigger veins > great veins (inferior & superior vena cava) Composition of arterial wall: layers referred to as tunica, tunica intima - inner layer, single celled layer of endothelium, tunica media - second layer, thickest, made of smooth muscle and elastic bers. Contractility: tunica externa - mostly made of dense irregular connective tissue (collagenous. 1. terminal arterioles (ta) - give off branches (2: met-arterioles (ma) - branch off from ta and then branch into capillaries (3) 3. true capillaries (tc) - emulate from ma: pre-capillary sphincters (pcs) - located where ma branches into tc. 5. thoroughfare channel (tf/tc) - extension of ma near pcv (6: post-capillary venue (pcv) - where blood travels after leaving capillary beds. Capillary design: continuous capillaries - most common, held together by tight junctions,