HISTORY 115 Study Guide - Final Guide: Hundred Flowers Campaign, Table Tennis, Mao Zedong

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Great leap forward: a modernization plan created by mao zedong to maximize food production and industrialize china to level equal with western powers. Starting with collectivization and coops, the party set up area communes where people would live and work together to increase farm and factory production under state control and regulation. However, due to the lack of training and experience, along with a weather drought, there was a widespread famine and it lead to millions of chinese dying. Ping-pong diplomacy: u. s. tries to form good international relations with china by starting with a ping pong game. It was the first visit by a us group since 1949. China had allowed the us ping pong team to play against their team. May fourth movement: a movement led by students in beijing on may 4, 1919, protesting against the chinese government"s weak response to the treaty of versailles.