PSYCH 250 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Diana Baumrind, Attachment Parenting, Cultural-Historical Psychology

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The second exam will be held on monday, october 24th. This exam will consist of 60 multiple-choice questions (each worth 1 point). The exam will cover chapters 7-12 in the berger (2014) text, and all material covered in lecture and in discussion sections. As before, the goal of this review sheet is to direct and guide your preparation for the exam. This study guide includes the major topics and concepts that have been discussed in class and in your textbook. The list is not exhaustive not all of the topics will appear on the exam and others not listed on this study guide could be included on the exam. Chapter 7: the first two years psychosocial development [lecture 7] Define erikson"s theory of personality: basic trust vs. mistrust & autonomy vs. shame/doubt. Proximal vs. distal parenting (see keller et al. According to erikson, the first crisis of psychosocial development is trust vs. mistrust.