MCDB 418- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 71 pages long!)

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Endocrinology: study of hormone or chemical mediation. Too much thyroid hormone = mental retardation in babies. Hyperthyroidism = too much sweat; tired (high metabolism) Thyroid deficient = goiter = decreased iodine = increased eye bulbs. Hormones controls skin color and how fish can change its color to camouflage with surroundings. Controls sex hormones which controls gonad size. (babies with puberty like gonads) Hormones coordinate almost all the physiological activities within an organism: growth: enlargement of cells, tissues, or organisms by the net accumulation of material and/or increases in cell number. Hormones are major chemical agents that regulate these processes. Hormone control gonad development, gametogenesis, and sexual behavior. After fertilization, hormones are responsible for maintaining an intra-uterine environment supportive for a successful pregnancy +for development of fetus: lactation: After delivery, hormones maintain of infant by affecting lactation + parental behavior. Each year, about 200,000 death, 400,000 heart attacks. Type ii leads to nerve damage erectile dysfunction, numbness/weakness, nausea.