ENGR 101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Open File, Terminal Emulator, Operand

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Document Summary

General c++ info, best for i. ii. iii. Large scale programs: statically typed: variable types cannot be changed after definition i. *variables can still be reassigned values: compile-time: properties of code that are found by the compiler i. Syntax errors: runtime: properties of your code that are not known until the program is actually running i. A literal value is a constant with a fixed value that may not be altered by the program: compiler(g++, start compiling: g++ program. cpp -o callname, run program: . /callname, start compiling; g++ program. cpp, run program: . /a. out. Change directory to the current directory"s parent mkdir directory. You can overwrite files with this command: cp file destination, copies file to. Yes, if the destination file: cp rf directory. Destination: copies directory to destination, removes file, removes. Directory exists, it will be overwritten by file. Into a program is always >> a: out of a program is always