BIOLOGY 207 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Limiting Factor, Ferrous, Redox

105 views19 pages
10 Apr 2014

Document Summary

Microbial cells: cell: fundamental unit of life. Energy is conserved in a form that can be drawn upon by the cell to support the synthesis of key structures. Final result of metabolism: form 2 cells: growth: increase in cell number from cell division, evolution: process of descent with modification, based on reproductive fitness. Evolution and the extent of microbial life: cellular life present on earth about 3. 8 bya, cyanobacteria (oxygenic phototrophs): began the slow oxygenation of earth about 3 bya. The bacteria in nodules convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia that the plants use for growth. Microorganisms also inhabit ruminant animals, which help these animals thrive on cellulose-rich food: however, microorganisms can also cause foodborne illnesses such as e. coli or. Mechanism of fermentation, defeat of spontaneous generation, principles of immunization. Koch"s postulates, pure culture microbiology, discovery of agents in tuberculosis and cholera.