KHP 340 Midterm: KHP 340 Exam 1 Study Guide

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When injuries occur, though they"re normally not life-threatening, they require immediate care. Emergencies are unexpected events that require prompt assistance and the time gap between the occurrence and the assistance plays a huge role in the result. Errors in initial injury management can prolong the time required for rehabilitation or cause life-threatening situations to occur. Response to injury: assessment of athlete"s injury (primary and secondary) Primary concern is maintaining cardiovascular and cns functioning. Key to emergency aid is the initial evaluation of injured athlete. Members of sports medicine team must always act prudently and reasonably. Must have prearranged game plan that can be implemented on a moment"s notice. Emergency action plan (eap: separate plans should be developed for different facilities. Identify necessary equipment: established equipment needs for sport/setting. Helmet removal policies and procedures: phone availability and most importantly, 911, athletic trainers should be familiar with community based health care delivery plan.