PSCH 343 Study Guide - Final Guide: Agnosia, Olfactory Bulb, Taste Receptor

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6 Sep 2016

Document Summary

Remember: the final will consist of questions on topics covered since exam 2, as well as cumulative questions from the entire course. What structures make up the papez circuit? hypothalamus, anterior thalamus, cingulate gyrus, and hippocampus. What are the effects when some of these structures are lesioned? sexuality, combativeness, hunger and thirst. inability to properly express emotion. Hypothalamus: vegetative functions, motivated behaviors, like thermal regulation, We most commonly ascribe what kind of function to the amygdala? emotional processing, implicit memory in fear. What is the effect of an amygdala lesion on fear- potentiated startle? conditioned response to a neutral conditioned stimulus that is paired with aversive stimulus. Reaction from a presented stimulus, indicator of a fear reaction. What happens if protein synthesis is not blocked? protein synthesis is needed in order to form any kind of long term memory, so the animal would continue to go towards the foot shock.