PSCH 343 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Frequency Distribution

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27 Apr 2016

Document Summary

Real limits are the boundaries of intervals for scores that are represented on a continuous number line. The real limit separating two adjacent scores is located exactly halfway between the scores. A frequency distribution takes a disorganized set of scores and places them in order from highest to lowest, grouping together individuals who all have the same score. List the scores in between even if they are not occurring. Width of two points: x=7 to x=21. A width of 2 points would require 8 intervals. A width of 5 points would require 10 intervals bottom interval 50-54: for example, the interval 50 59 has real limits of 49. 5 and 59. 5. The distance between these two real limits (10 points) is the width of the interval. Frequency distribution graphs: when the data consists of numerical scores that have been measured on an interval or ratio scale; histograms and polygons. (pg.