STAT 100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Scatter Plot, Box Plot, Standard Score

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Stat 100 exam 2 spring 2017 (this page is worth 1 point. Graded on writing your name and net id clearly and circling section. ) Print name___________________________ _____________________ ______________ (last name) (first name) net id. L1 (mwf 12pm) l2 (tr 11am) s1 (mwf) online. When no blanks are provided circle your answers. Make sure you have all 7 pages including the normal table (15 problems). For questions using the normal table, you may round z scores and percentages to fit the closest line on the normal table and you may round percentages on the table to the nearest whole number. The numbers written in each blank below indicate how many points you missed on each page. The numbers printed to the right of each blank indicate how many points each page is worth. Scores will be posted on compass by friday morning and exams returned in class next week.