[PSY 262] - Midterm Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (21 pages long)

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The rise and fall of the american asylum. One third to one half of the homeless population in the united states are mentally ill. The first patient at the government asylum was thomas sessford in 1855: he failed to respond to moral therapy. In the years after the civil war the population of the asylums grew by the hundreds with soldiers, newly free slaves and foreigners. Asylums used occupational therapy by putting their patients to work: soon they became an essential part to the asylum running properly. 1870s - the public became aware of what was happening inside the asylums: staff beat, choked and abused their patients. Neurologists claimed that insanity if a disease of the nervous system: scientific study of the brain is the only way to learn about it o. In the case of charles couteau, who assassinated president garfield, he plead insanity. The jury found him fit to stand trial and gave him a guilty verdict.