[BIOL 4374] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (20 pages long!)

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Lecture 1- 1/17/2017: although cells are all very diverse, the underlying mechanisms are fairly similar, essential characteristics: Originally most cells used rna, but now dna is more common. Dna rna protein: the central dogma, dna rna is transcription, rna protein is translation. Domains: originated through differences of rrna and trna: essentially all cells on earth have rrna, eukaryotes, archaea closely related to both eukaryotes and bacteria, bacteria. Microscopy- allowed for study of cells, to make distinctions between different cell types: scientists: Robert hooke- made the first microscope, discovered the first cell and came up with the term (cid:498)cell(cid:499) Schleiden and schwann- came up with cell theory. Light microscope= easy to use, good for cells, resolution is not very high, can use for live cells. Fluorescence microscopy= stain structures in the cell. Some cells have a nucleus and some do not: eukaryote. Mitochondria have: double membrane, their own dna, and carry out metabolic processes: prokaryotes.