FHCE 3300 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Neighborhood Planning Unit, Planned Unit Development, Socioeconomic Status

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Prejudice and discrimination in the housing and mortgage market. Socioeconomic status equal rates among racial/ethnic groups. Racial tipping process: modest preferences can make a big difference. Week 15: local planning (housing and land use planning) Local government: empower planning commissions to develop and plan for orderly growth. Zoning board of appeals: make decisions regarding adjustments to the zoning code. Land use regulations are generally made at the local level: vary widely due to local customs, physical conditions. Yet, the process of community development and the tools used are similar across communities. Planning commissions: made up of local residents, make recommendations to the local governing body (such as a city council or county board) Athens-clarke planning commission & atlanta neighborhood planning units) A statement of community development policies and how policies will be implemented. Typically set goals for the co(cid:373)(cid:373)u(cid:374)ity"s gro(cid:449)th a(cid:374)d de(cid:448)elop(cid:373)e(cid:374)t 5-20 years in the future. Tools that govern how land can be used in a community.