CSCI 1301 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Newline, Pineapple

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Your local shelter is creating a program that allows potential adopters to type in the kind of animal that they want, and the program will print out the name of an available animal of that type. They need your expertise to aid them, so write a function that takes in an animal, reads in the file animals. csv , and prints out the name of that animal as shown in the test cases. Remember to get rid of the header and extraneous newline characters! You"re trying to figure out what to be for halloween, but you don"t want to copy your friend"s costumes. Write a function that takes in and reads a . csv file and a particular costume. It should print out all the people dressing up as that for halloween. Hint: the first line on the file is a header, so make sure you don"t read that one. Make sure to get rid of extraneous newline characters.