ASTR 1010 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Geocentric Model, Angular Diameter, Kuiper Belt

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Motion/ copernican revolution, which is how the planets move around the sun. Gravity is the reason the planets move around the sun. Tie together motion of things in space to things on earth. It is a model of how nature works. What is truth?why is any validity or not. If a model does a great job, it is a great model regardless if there. The average distance between the earth and the sun (93 million miles, 153 million km) Beyond neptune is another asteroid belt called the kuiper belt more than 30 au away (50-60 au away) Pluto is not a planet, but a larger body in this belt. The oort cloud is 100,000 au away, and objects here still orbit the sun. 1pc= 1/3 of a light year - i"m pretty sure a parsec is roughly 3 light years, not ( ) Oort cloud is about half the way to the nearest star.