ANTH 1102 Study Guide - Final Guide: Hypodescent, Mohenjo-Daro, Herding

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Document Summary

1)anthropology: understand what anthropology does and what the focus of research is, studies human diversity in both time and space. Study of human nature, human society and human past. Practicing anthropologists practice their profession outside of academia. Interviews: conversations that maintain rapport and provide knowledge, genealogical methods, procedures to understand kinship, descent, and marriage, key consultants, experts on particular aspects of local life, life histories. Personal cultural portrait of existence or change in culture: emic v etic- comparison of local beliefs and perceptions to the ethnographers, emic: inside(local) perspective, etic: outside perspective. Method for data collecting: think about the different ways anthropologists theorize about culture, we think of culture/understand specific cultures as coherent wholes to explain the world, shaping individual and social behavior, by balancing their understanding with ethical responsibility. To clarify, ethical responsibility takes into account human rights, the inalienable individual rights to speak and believe free from persecution, murder, torture, etc, and cultural.