MMC 4200 Final: Complete and Comprehensive 46-Page Study Guide!

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The right to privacy is protected by the us constitution the right to be let alone and free from unwarranted governmental intrusion. Samuel warren and louis brandeis origin of privacy law. Roe v. wade fundamental case the right to choose to have an abortion. The court said its not explicitly mentioned in the constitution, does not say anything about privacy the right of privacy came penumbra (umbrella of ideas/concepts) 4th amendment protects from unreasonable searches and seizures (must show a judge there is probable cause to get a search warrant) Tort law the right to be free from unwarranted publicity. Continues to evolve started in late 1800s with a law review article by brandeis and warren an article called the right to privacy . Developed the idea that the law should have the right to privacy. Commercialization/appropriation: what are the elements for a private fact case (what does the plaintiff have to prove)