MAN 3025 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cost Leadership, Fair Labor Standards Act, Decision-Making

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Setting goals and deciding how to achieve them. A process that involves managers from all parts of the organization in the formulation and the implementation of strategies and strategic goals: goals, action plans, and operating plans. Strategic: set by and for top management and focus on objectives for the organization as a whole. Tactical: set by and for middle managers and fours on the actions needed to achieve strategic goals. Operational: goals set by and for rst line managers are are concerned with short- term matters associated with realizing tactical goals, plans. Standing plan: for activities that occur repeatedly over a period of time. Single-use plans: developed for one time activities, mbo. Unity of management action is more likely to occur when there is pursuit of a common objective. Jointly set objectives, develop action plan, periodically review performance, performance appraisals. Pros: emphasize work should achieve org goals, managers jointly participate in setting own goals, secure employee commitment.