BSC 2011 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Bilateria, Tardigrade, Placozoa

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Cephalization is the concentration of sensory organs and nervous tissues at the anterior end of the animal. Hox genes = a group of related genes that control the body plan of an embryo along the anterior-posterior axis. Some features shared by all animals are multicellularity, heterotrophy (using nutrients produced by other organisms), internal digestion, motility (independent movement). Some animals do not move independently and some plants and fungi do have limited movement. Animals are monophyletic, which is supported by gene sequences and cellular morphology. Animal body plans can be described in terms of symmetry, body cavity structure, segmentation, and type of appendages. The general structure of an animal, the arrangement of its orang systems, and the integrated functioning of its parts=body plan: know figure 23. 1. What are the synapomorphies (i. e. the red dots in. The common ancestors of sponges and eumetazoans share the synapomorphies of unique cell junction; collagen and proteoglycans in extracellular matrix.