UAPP110 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Risk Assessment, Impact Assessment, Harold Lasswell

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Judicial- decide to hear a case, interpret laws. Harold lasswell: science of policy should be 3 things: Should recognize impossibility of separating goals and means or values and techniques. Public policy- what govt does or doesn"t do. To further common good, public interest or to address public problems. Market under suppliers or is not capable of supplying. Types of goods availability of the good to another person. Rival good - the consumption/use of the good by one person reduces the. Non-rivalrous - the consumption/use of the good by one person does not. Excludable good - a good that only the consumer who purchased it may enjoy. Non-excludable - any good that someone cannot be prevented from accessing reduce the availability or utility of the good to another person because of non-payment. Home rule - do things that don"t conflict with rules. Dillon"s rule - local govt does explicitly what state tells them to do (wait for permission)