PSYC100- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 52 pages long!)

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Immediate reactions that occur with a particular event that happens in your life. Valence- how pleasant or unpleasant is the experience (positive to negative) Role that emotion plays in thinking and decision making. Prefrontal cortex damage- might not able to communicate with other parts of the brain. Spent 20-30 min saying the advantage of either having the appointment on mon or tues and couldn"t make up his mind. Can"t choose because they don"t have a lift from emotion. Can weigh pros and cons but couldn"t make a decision. So you do need sense of emotion to make decision. People start with the high paying decks then go to the lower ones. Demasios patients start with the lower ones then go to the higher paying decks. None of the patients dont show to gut response. Break in the feedback loop with emotion and judgement. (t=typical) (p=patients) Uptake in arousal as they chose from high risk deck.