POSC340 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Morley Safer, Scientific Method, Mass Society

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Defining political communication: political communication is the public discussion about the allocation of public resources, official authority, official sanctions and social meaning; employees by elites, media, and citizens; utilizes words and symbols, politics. How we reach collective decisions from divergent opinions. Essence of politics is communication: citizens are often neither able nor motivated to partake in politics, the media are neither free nor diverse: media coverage is simplistic, superficial and negative. Socio-oriented: concept: encourage children to challenge others points of view; think about various angles, socio-oriented: parents discourage children from arguing or challenging in favor of social harmony, low concept/low socio. Little parental impact on consumption: high concept/low socio. Children are encouraged to explore ideas/express: low concept/high socio opinions. Children(cid:495)s exposure to outside information is limited. Maintain control over children(cid:495)s behavior (cid:498)sharks(cid:499) trying to jump at the (cid:494)best(cid:495) story for entertainment; Stress both issue-oriented communication and the increasing consolidation, standardization: feeding frenzies: mistaken for critical journalism; journalistic.