POSC320 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Campaign Finance In The United States, Independent Expenditure, Chris Coons

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Independent expenditure: running an ad supporting a candidate (or criticizing their opponent) without consulting with the campaign. Lobbyist need to find balance between providing information that will benefit group interests while also appearing to be credible. Legislator must trust that information provided by lobbyist is accurate: not just lying but also providing all the necessary information to understand an issue. If you break their trust you never get it back: and word will spread that you can"t be trusted. Lobbying is a profession you need to play the long game: no single issue is worth ruining your reputation, only the facts count. If you are credible, people will listen to you: but that doesn"t mean you will persuade them, persuasion requires facts and deep knowledge, slogans work on the public but not on legislators. Nra and chris coons (d-delaware: sometimes it"s useful to create a villain, success = compromise, don"t let perfect be the enemy of good.