POSC240 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cuban Missile Crisis, Archduke Franz Ferdinand Of Austria, Missile Gap

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21 Feb 2016

Document Summary

Global politics test answers: explain the difference between rational and non-rational decision making and how these influence leaders" foreign policy. Then go on to explain key events in the crisis using various models including game theory, the gambling model, cognitive dissonance and prospect theory. In light of the anniversary of missile crisis i will begin by explaining rational and non- rational models of decision making. Rational models of decision making including chicken game theory and the gambling model. Rational thinking is generally based on the economy and who is in power. It assumes that individuals represent the country and that there is perfect information given. It is the most efficient/affective way to gain goals: costs (means) x benefits (ends) = efficiency/effectiveness. They include credible threats such as kennedy actually attacking cuba or cuba blowing up the usa and starting nuclear war between su and usa.