POSC240 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Balanced Budget Amendment, Sugary Drink Tax, Pork Barrel

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Key concepts, ideas, and theories you should know: 1/10/17-1/17/17 transportation, etc. : deprivation (i. e. people who can be victim from circumstance, dissatisfaction. Problems result from event affecting people differently. 3 models of placing demands on the system: outside initiative model. 1/10/17-1/17/17: entities outside of the government coming together and starting something (i. e. creating a petition and bringing it to city hall) Agenda setting is the process by which: issues are identified, conflict and concerns gain prominence and exposure, are brought to the public arena for debate and possible governmental action. The effects of the problem: whom it affects and how much, the extremity (life or death situation?) 1/10/17-1/17/17: range of persons (small or large segment?, visibility (are we aware of it?) Analogous and spillover agenda setting: when an old problem looks more like a new problem, spillover effect: something else that"s related to problem is starting to have other consequences.