NTDT401 Study Guide - Final Guide: Adrenal Gland, Ferritin, Ferroxidase

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Know difference between ferric/ferrous (+2. +3, better absorbed) Know difference beteween heme/non heme (food sources/bioavailability) Know forms found in body (hemoglobin, myoglobin, ferritin) Know ferroxidase (ceruloplasmin) and what it does. Know when iron acts as pro oxidant. Biochemical indicators for each stage of deficiency (chart) slide 20,21. Know what is needed for digestion (nucleases and proteases) Know enteropancreatic cycle & how zinc is involved. Zinc fingers & role in enzyme function. Role of ceruloplasmin (overlaps with iron chapter) Metabolic roles memorize enzymes and overview of what they do. Biochemical indicators (different ways it can be measured) 3 mechanisms of absorption (names, where occurs and functioning) Salt sensitivity and populations most likely salt sensitive. Hypertonic/hypotonic solutions (how it influence blood pressure) food sources: hypertonic in blood (too much na water follow and create higher blood pressure) Know ul (healthy and salt sensitive people)