COMM245 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Mass Media, Ugly Betty, Media Conglomerate

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Message sources radio program messages: ex. Abc - plenty of money and resources to communicate mass mediated. What is a mass: large group of people, anonymous to one another, heterogeneous in make-up (diff. demographics, ex. What is mediated communication: communication in which the message is transmitted through some channel or mechanism or medium, source message channel/medium receiver. Lack of a feedback loop : a feedback loop is a pathway for message recipients (the audience) to directly speak or communicate back to the message sender (ex. Reading an online article and leaving a comment: there is no (or very little) feedback loop in the traditional mass communication process: traditional mass media offer little to no feedback from the message recipient back to the sender. Exceptions: letters to the editor, letters to a network, calling into a. Gatekeepers: barriers to entry , people or organizations that determine what messages enter the flow of information.