PSYC 7 Study Guide - Final Guide: Deductive Reasoning, Physical Fitness, Metamemory

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Chapter 6 physical & cognitive development in middle childhood: physical growth, height/weight growth rates a. i. Most children gain about 2-3 inches in height and 8 pounds in weight per year a. ii. Around 11-12, average girls are taller than average boy. Girls are more likely to enter puberty toward the end of: motor skills elementary school c. i. More physical and active skills that occur on the playground c. i. 2. b. c. i. 2. c. Boys: strength, throwing catching etc: physical fitness d. i. <50% of us elementary school kids meet national fitness standards d. i. 2: cognitive development. Obesity: piaget"s account: the last 2 stages a. i. Liquid in different glasses keep same amount a. i. 1. b. How do they do on abstract/hypothetical problems? a. i. 1. b. i. Mental operations are limited to concrete problems can"t really deal with abstract problems (break glass with feather) a. ii. Understand things that may not completely make sense in the real world a. ii. 1. a. i. Sensory memory working memory (rehearsal or forget) long-term memory (retrieval to bring back to working memory)