PSYC 137 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cognitive Psychology, Social Cognition, Stephen Curry

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Document Summary

The combination of social psychology and cognitive psychology to understand how people make sense of other people and themselves. Studies how people acquire, process, store, and apply information about themselves, other people, and social situations. Isn"t all about how experts say we should see the world, but it"s about how common people see the world. Phenomenology: attempts to systematically explore and describe how ordinary people say they experience the world. Naive psychology: what people"s common sense ideas about each other are. Goes beyond naive psychology and leans heavily on the theory and methods of cognitive psychology. Elemental approach: breaks scientific problems down into pieces and analyzes the pieces in separate detail before combining them. Holistic approach: analyzes the pieces in the context of other pieces and focuses on the entire configuration of relationships among them. Warm vs. cold example of business women. Algebraic model: takes each individual trait, evaluates it in isolation, and combines the evaluations into a summary evaluation.