[MMW 11] - Midterm Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (18 pages long)

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Outline lecture two-- critical transitions in early human evolution: when and where does history begin, literate civilizations vs. big history a. i) traditional demarcation between so-called pre-history and history a. ii) writing synonymous with civilization a. iii) approach of big history . Use anthropology to understand physical + cultural evolution. How did physical changes impact social and cultural organizations: early hominid evolution b. i) common ancestry with other primates. Hands that can grasp, eyes that face forward, large brains (b. i. 1) (b. i. 2) Human deviation from other primates between 4-7 mya b. ii) Mosaic: warming climate reduction of forest land & open savanna. Being bipedal was advantageous: vision, outdistance (not outrun) bc consume less energy using 2 legs, frees up hands to carry things, use tools (b. ii. 2) 50% increase in brain size compared to australopithecus ability to make more prototype tools (b. ii. 3) Homo erectus 1. 9 mya to 140,000 years ago (b. ii. 3. a) (b. ii. 3. b) Starting around 1 mya began migrating out of africa.