HILD 11 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Sweet Potato, History Of China, Vise

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6 Feb 2017

Document Summary

East asia refers to the east asian region: china, japan and korea. Commons between the three countries: drink tea, use chopsticks, eat rice--cultural sharing. We study a portion of east asia. Don"t study everything that happened in this time; will be selective in the course materials. Goal: to be interested in the history and culture behind these countries. We know that china is the oldest civilization in the world. Two main powers/ethnic group that fought over control: the mongols and the chinese. Today, we know the technological and economic impact that east asia has is huge, as well as their popular culture--astonishing. China"s has one of the largest economies, along with japan. Cars, electronics, etc. often come from japan or korea. History shapes the contemporary state of the country. 1905 when korea was a colony of japan until the end of wwii.