BILD 3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Natural Selection 2, Radiometric Dating, Ecological Niche

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Learning objectives for bild 3, spring 2016 dr. sarah stockwell. 1. describe the two main tenets of darwin"s origin of species, and know what year the book was published: was published in 1859, two main tenets a. i. a. ii. Scientists thought that the earth was older than what the testament said, but they didn"t know how much more. Also were finding evidence that hinted at the pattern but not the mechanism of natural selection. 2. identify and explain the main discoveries of the following scholars (and know the relative order they occurred in): linnaeus, hutton, lyell, cuvier, malthus, lamarck. Be able to evaluate the impact of each of these scholars on darwin. a. Developed the two-part (binomial) format for naming species such as homo sapien a. ii. Adopted a nested classification system that grouped together similar species in order to develop this naming format a. iii. Darwin would later argue that the classification groupings often reflected the evolutionary relationships: hutton a. i.