BILD 2- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 38 pages long!)

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Study guide (1) intro and animal structure, beginning of circulation. Nervous system: basics of the system and how it works. Immune system: fights off invaders of the body. Hormones are always secreted into your bloodstream so the whole body feels it. Slower than your nervous system but still very fast: advantages of multicellular life. Increased efficiency by specialized functions of cells and organs; fine tuned function: controlled shape. Specialized organs develop: removal of wastes -> specialized organs, support, carry large weight. Four main categories: epithelial tissue, tightly packed sheets of cells; protective barrier against mechanical injury, invading microorganisms, fluid loss. Stratified epithelium: multiple layers of cells, cell shapes, cuboidal. Functions: connect, bind, support organs in body: consist of the following, connective protein fiber (collagen and elastin) Looks kind of striped, but it is not voluntary: needs to contract in a wave form so that it can move blood, connected by intercalated discs to make the muscle move in a wave.