FREN 1 Final: Final Study Guide

70 views5 pages
11 May 2017

Document Summary

Possessive adjectives my your his/hers/its ours yours (formal/plural) theirs. Vowel mon ton son notre votre leur ma tas sa notre votre leur mon ton son notre votre leur. Prepositions pr s (de) near loin (de) far (from) Gauche (de) to the left (of) en face (de) across (from), facing dans le coin (de) in the corner (of) sur on sous under entre between dans in devant in front of derri re behind. Use de (d") after million(s) whenever a noun follows it directly. Only add an s to cent when plural if not followed by another number. Before est or sont followed by a noun. Quel names, phone number, which country/state you live in. Quelle address, email, city you live in, nationality. Tout est en ordre - everything is in order. Bien rang (e) - neat, put away, straightened up. Au bout de - at the end of. Justement - as a matter of fact, precisely, exactly.