RG ST 3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Theravada, Amitābha, Bodhisattva Vow

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6 Dec 2018

Document Summary

The chan/zen belonged to mahayana buddhism because they thought theravada was too strict. More popular in east asia than india purely because it didn"t exist in india. Birth in the pure lands is based on faith, worship, calling the buddha name. Adopts practice of nianfo/nembutsu chanting the name of amitabha/amituofo/amida. The place to be reborn into to guarantee gaining enlightenment. Based on the idea that there is no lower birth, everyone will become an arhat or bodhisattva. : founded the pure land school during the kamakura period. Teaches only chanting the name of amida buddha. ): the concept the end of dharma, buddha"s teachings. Meditated for 5 eons, establishes pure land called sukhavati ( blissful ) Dharmakara vows that any being who sincerely wishes to be born in his pure land will do. Life-spans unlimited, no negative karma, perpetual teachings so if. They desire enlightenment, live morally, and vow to be reborn there.