PSY 1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Shepard Tone, Trochlear Nerve, Neocortex

137 views27 pages
11 Mar 2016

Document Summary

Monism physical brain and mental mind are one kind: mental activity is brain activity. Material world is just an invention in the world of the mind. Dualism: physical and mental are different aspects of reality. Everything can be reduced to chemistry and physics. Interactionism: (descartes) mind controls brain and body. Brain is system that controls all switches. You"re given role in life, and job is to plow through it. Mind tracks body through life, everything in parallel. Women had brain tumor, needed to be removed. Free will: you are the cause, which is an uncaused cause. Whether you see beyonce is up to you and cannot be predicted. Whether you see beyonce in concert is predictable and outside. Do i look good because my parents were hot or because my body is my temple. Most of your traits are an interaction of your genes and the environment you"re surrounded by.