GLOBL 2 Study Guide - Final Guide: Mary Kaldor, Arlie Russell Hochschild, Jagdish Bhagwati

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23 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Argues that for most of world history, large-scale political organization was characterized by empires rather than by nation-states and that the era of globalization is ushering a new imperial order. Argues that nation-state being replaced by new forces of globalization that are best exemplified not in national units but cities. It is a cartographic illusion that the world is constituted of individual interacting nation-states. Claims real economic power is in transnational organizations that sometimes operate within the framework of the nation-state and sometimes not and their view of the world has no clear definable borders. Examines the flaw in the system of nation-states that has come to be described as the westphalian system, named after westphalian treaty in 1648. System not collapsing but failed to satisfy long term conditions of sustainability. 3 areas in which the systems sustainability is in jeopardy: 1. The 21st cenutry as god"s century by toft, philpott, and shah.