FAMST 46 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Turing Test, His Girl Friday, Screwball Comedy Film

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27 Feb 2018

Document Summary

It has been said that the attraction of genre films is that they, like other social rituals, give us the opportunity to deal with some major contradictions in our lives. What do they have in common? a: g&t look at genres as texts, schatz addresses genres as contracts" between audiences and filmmakers. Why does he consider genres as both static and dynamic? a: what is static about the formulas and what is dynamic about their reflecting the changing times? a, consider thomas schatz discussion of genre films. If you enjoy science-fiction paradoxes you may want to read the entire article. Or you can jump to the last few pages and read some of her conclusions, from p. 36 to 40. Issues or concepts covered by works of art; intentional and unintentional: characterizations i. Description of distinctive nature or features of someone or something: formulas i.