ENV S 105 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Electrical Energy, Sustainable Energy, Radiography

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Power is the rate at which energy is being converted from one form to another, or transferred from one place to another. Four types of basic levels of energy forms: Kinetic forms-any moving object; equal to half the mass of the object times the square of its velocity (ke= mv^2) The ke within a material determines its temperature. Gravitational-object lifted above your head-the input energy is stored in a form called gravitational potential energy. Potential energy=force x distance=weight x height=m g h. Electrical energy: holds together the atoms and molecules of all materials. Chemical energy-form of electrical energy at the atomic level due to when atoms bond with other atoms to form molecules, changing the distribution of electrons. Electrical currents-organized flows of electrons in a material, usually a metal. Electromagnetic energy is radiated in varying amounts by every objects; travels as a wave that can carry energy through empty space. The length of the wave characterizes its form, which.