ENV S 100 Midterm: midterm1
Document Summary
Important locations: five oceans i. ii. iii. iv. v. Antarctic/ southern - south pole: faults, ridges, rises etc. San andreas fault: fault boundary between the pacific and north american plates, location: mid southern tip of ca up the coast iv. East african rift zone: narrow area caused by divergent boundary in which african plate is beginning to split into two, calculations. A raw interpretation of the information through the formation of a hypothesis that is compatible with the information: scientific method - conclusions are not always tentative and subject to reevaluation i. ii. iii. iv. Experiment: test and retest your hypothesis v. Formulate a theory: explains a wide variety or observations, helps form many new hypothesis, early earth, origins i. Elements heavier than iron created in supernova explosions: all elements that form everything in the universe originate with the stars ii. iii. 5 billion years ago, sun became stable and able to support solar system.