[CHEM 1A] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (39 pages long!)

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1 Dec 2016
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CHEM 1A Full Course Notes
CHEM 1A Full Course Notes
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94 documents

Document Summary

Chemistry: encompasses atoms, materials, etc, the study of the properties of materials and the change that materials go through, what happe(cid:374)s does(cid:374)"t (cid:272)ha(cid:374)ge, (cid:271)ut our ideas about why a phenomenon occurs can change, quantitative chemistry. Determination of the amount (numerical value) of a particular characteristic: qualitative chemistry. Determination of the presence or absence of a particular characteristic. Scientific method: knowledge as a result of the senses: We observe, see, measure something in our everyday life. Involve measuring or observing some aspect of nature. Must be able to be proved false. After experiment, observe general trend = law. Summarize the results of a large number of observations. Compare models that explain and give the underlying causes for observations and laws. Look at whole bunch of experiments and then try and see why something is taking place. Ca(cid:374)"t go fro(cid:373) la(cid:449) to theory; ha(cid:448)e to for(cid:373) a(cid:374)other hypothesis. Weight of reactants = weight of products.