ART 7A Study Guide - Final Guide: Liverpool John Moores University, Carrie Mae Weems, Carolee Schneemann

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12 Jun 2017

Document Summary

Lecture 1 4/3/17 visual pun - play on words using objects ex. bolt in wall = walnut what is art? carrot and donkey confession. Keep things simple: puns, confession, personal space. Art requires two things: some form of activity, the conveyance of meaning. Icon : an enduring image, representation or signs; representative symbol of something. Synecdoche : a figure of speech where a part is put for the whole, or the whole for a part, the special for the general. Meme: a cultural item transmitted by repetition in a manner analogous. Readymades: manufactured objects prompted by an artist and displayed as a work of art lecture 2 4/10/17. We will rock you written by brian may. Also has a phd in astrophysics, chancellor of liverpool john moores university. Unique guitar tone - he built his own guitar, parts of a motorcycle and fireplace. How do we answer the questions who are you? and what are you? .