SOCI 1001 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Dependent And Independent Variables

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A researcher"s values and morals, as well as what they are actually interested in. Researchers generally study topics that relate to their own personal values and interests. This may mean that they are not completely objective, as they may have their own ideas and explanations about things already in their heads. However, researchers should be able to put their personal opinions aside and conduct research that is unbiased. A good question can be answered, has not been answered before, interests the researcher, is not too specific or too broad, and can be generalized to a larger population than the sample you plan on studying. An independent variable is something that is manipulated by the researchers, while a dependent variable is something that is measured in response to the independent variable. The hypothesis is a prediction about what the results of research will be. Correlation is a relationship between two variables that do not necessarily directly cause each other.