PSYC 3251 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Pituitary Stalk, Optic Chiasm, Spatial Memory

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Relays sensory/motor info to and from cortex (not smell) Relay cells: pyramidal, excitatory, project to layer 4 of neocortex, receive input from interneurons (-), reticular nucleus (-), cortex layer 6 (+), reticular formation (+) Interneurons: inhibitory; gabaergic, synapse on relay cells. Anterior: projects to cingulate (limbic) cortex, learning, memory, alertness. Dorsomedial: projects to frontal cortex, planning, attention, organization, multitasking, abstract thinking, active memory. Lateral posterior/pulvinar: projects to parietal cortex, higher order sensory processing. Medial geniculate nuclei (mgn: auditory relay to auditory cortex, auditory processing. Lateral geniculate nuclei (lgn: visual relay to primary visual cortex, receives input from retina, visual porocessing. Ventral posterior (vpn: projects to somatosensory cortex, vpl somatosensory info from body, vpm somatosensory info from head. Ventral lateral (vln) and ventral anterior (van: project to motor cortex, both involved in motor processing. Anterior limb: fibers from thalamus to frontal cortex, fibers connecting basal ganglia and cortex. From lgn to optic radiation: corticospinal fibers.