NURS 3220 Study Guide - Final Guide: Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia, Peptic Ulcer, Helicobacter Pylori

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Cancer: diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and are able to invade other tissues, derived from greek word for crab, karkinoma, tumor, also referred to as a neoplasm new growth. Increased growth rate or decreased apoptosis: transformation of normal cells, decreased need for growth factors to multiply, lack contact inhibition, when cell grows into another it stops, but cancer doesn"t just keeps going, anchorage independence. Evading growth suppressors: mutation (inactivation) of tumor-suppressor genes, allows unregulated cellular growth, retinoblastoma (rb) gene, tumor protein p53 (tp53) Increase in malignant cells: results in chromosome loss, loss of heterozygosity, and chromosome amplification. Angiogenesis: growth of new vessels, advanced cancers can secrete angiogenic factors (vegf, vascular endothelial gf, platelet-derived gf, basic fibroblast gf. Reprogramming energy metabolism: warburg effect, use of glycolysis under normal oxygen conditions (aerobic glycolysis, allows products of glycolysis to be used for rapid cell growth, activated by oncogenes and mutant tumor suppressors, reverse warburg effect.