NURS 3220 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Gabapentin, Endothelium, Necrosis

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Diabetes mellitus: mr. jones has type 2 diabetes. His glucose tolerance test results suggest that he does not release sufficient insulin after a meal. Which of the following drugs stimulates release of more insulin after a meal: repaglinide (prandin, one of the many advantages of metformin (glucophage) in the treatment of type 2 diabetes is that it reduces gastrointestinal (gi) glucose absorption. She reports she started taking over-the-counter (otc) omeprazole (prilosec otc) for indigestion that had been worsening over the past few months. She also reports self-medicating a yeast infection with an otc antifungal cream. Results of his 2-hour glucose tolerance test show that his postprandial hyperglycemia has not improved. On questioning him about his self-medication behaviors, you are not surprised when you learn he has been taking: st. john"s wort, mrs. jacobs. has rheumatoid arthritis that has not responded to disease-modifying drugs.