NURS 3110 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Serratia Marcescens, Mycobacterium Avium-Intracellulare Infection, Pertussis Toxin

26 views5 pages
19 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Variable morphology - coccobacilli to long filaments, flagella, no capsules or spores. Pleomorphism (brown, cocci, rod shape) and palisade arrangement. Waxy cellular envelope (enable organism to live outside body) Need large dose of organism to become sick. Acid fast = outer wall that holds to acid even when washed off with alcohol. Rod like shape but more snake like. Strict parasite (has not been grown in artificial media or tissue culture) Found in environment (soil, h2o, food) and can go airborne. Non spore forming (more resistant to infections and more slimy outer layer) Single polar long flagellum (highly mobile, corn dog) Live in soil and water, likes aqueous environment. Pertussis toxin irritates cells causing coughing and marked lymphocytosis (in wbcs) Like to breed in warm, damp places. Often part of flora of gi tract, commonly in the large bowel. Coliform count indicates presence of sewage (or geese) in water. Inhabits intestines and respiratory tract in normal people.