NURS 3100 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Diplopia, Proton-Pump Inhibitor, Calcitonin

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There are always nclex questions on food sources of nutrients. ) Pancreas produces zinc binding ligand (zbl): picolinic acid. Picolinic acid is also found in breast milk. Formulas have zinc, but not all zinc that is bound with picolinic acid: list 4 functions of zinc in the body. Enzymes that break down proteins have zinc as a component of them. Zinc is a component of the enzyme that favors this balanced process. Body goes to use glucose in oxidative cycle. Wbcs that are important in immune function: list 2 common sequelae of zinc deficiency in adults. Reduction of growth in children (sexual development) Impaired wound healing: name a common class of drugs used to treat hypertension that can deplete zinc. Renal tubule wastes zinc: list 4 diseases/conditions in which adequate dietary magnesium may contribute to therapy. Copper and iron: list at least 3 factors that enhance iron bioavailability and 4 factors that inhibit iron bioavailability.