MCB 2610 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Bacteremia, Chlorine Dioxide, Enterobacter Aerogenes

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Lives in the intestines pf warm & cold-blooded animals. Passed through feces into soil and water systems. Discovered in 1980 in a belgium hospital. Common cause of nosocomial infections (icu) transferred to patients during surgery or at wound sites or from catheters. Causes bacteremia, lower respiratory tract infections, skin and soft tissue infections, ophthalmic infections. Carbapenem is the preferred drug but many have developed resistant to it dre. Most associated with medical treatment facilities outside the us. Both motile (peritrichous flagella) and non-motile forms exist. Water distribution systems, in hospitals, hotels, cooling towers, whirlpool baths, ice machines. Recent outbreak in opera house hotel in the bronx. Transmitted by breathing aerosols from faucets, showerheads, cooling towers, and nebulizers. Two forms of legionellosis: pontiac fever less severe characterized by flu-like symptoms (fever, chills, headache and muscle pain) lasting 2-5 days, legionnaires disease potentially fatal pneumonia. The general population is fairly resistant to infection.